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OfficeSpace intro


Workplace management software


OfficeSpace was specifically designed for facility managers in large companies. The platform facilitates essential office processes, drives facility management decisions, simplifies work orders and service requests, and allows effortless tracking and managing company resources. All this helps companies cut down on their real estate and facility costs, safely reopen offices, and manage productive hybrid workplaces. It is the only all-in-one solution that gives everything a company needs to create a better place for their workers.

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10 Engineers
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November 2017
Shamim Sahba
Shamim Sahba

We engaged Railsware in 2017 to help us accelerate an ambitious pipeline of development objectives. Our projects are often greenfield, technologically demanding and incredibly agile both in process and design - Railsware plugged right in and impressed us on every front.

Their devs are talented, professional, and invested in building brilliant products. What started as a one-off project has since steadily grown into an outstanding partnership where Railsware continues to be an incredibly valued part of our development organization.

Trusted by companies
monthly users in 2021


The Railsware team was attracted to the OfficeSpace project after its web version had already been launched. It was a fast-growing platform that required additional specialists to keep up with the customers' requirements and needs.

Our team was responsible for developing some core features of OfficeSpace, such as Room and Desk booking, the Safeguard feature, and many others. We’ve also improved the test coverage of the product and built Android/iOS wrappers for the Visual Directory.

System Integration


Ruby on Rails
Maria DB
Material UI
Elastic Search
Google Cloud Platform


Google Calendar
Office365 Calendar
MS Teams
Circle CI
#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash about=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash links=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash application="https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1216451/smart-checklist-for-jira-pro?utm_source=railsware.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=case_studies" site="https://jirachecklist.com/?utm_source=railsware.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=case_studies"> text=#<Hashie::Array ["<a href=\"https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1216451/smart-checklist-for-jira-pro?utm_source=railsware.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=case_studies\" target=\"_blank\">Smart Checklist is a Jira add-on</a> available on the Atlassian Marketplace. It allows Jira users to document extra ToDo items and details of an issue by adding them as bullet points of a single checklist. In addition, Smart Checklist allows tight integration with the Jira workflow, including setting up custom processes around it.\n", "The most common use cases include the creation of Acceptance Criteria and Definition of Done, User Story Implementation Plans, QA and HR Onboarding checklists, as well as documenting other recurring software development and business processes.\n", "Railsware developed this tool for internal use during the company-wide transition from Trello to Jira, when our team noticed that the newly adopted tool lacked Trello’s in-built checklist functionality. Jira offered subtasks instead, but we wanted to continue using a less time-consuming option, which would be still linked to a Jira issue and require less management overhead.\n", "So, we commenced with launching the first free version of the Smart Checklist add-on on the Atlassian Marketplace. The first half of the year showed a vivid trend in customer growth and interest from the Jira community. Our team responded to it by leveraging a great Knowledge Base and support to all free users. \n", "Having evaluated the market and identified the core use cases for the Smart Checklist Jira add-on, Railsware proceeded with launching the first paid Smart Checklist Cloud version. Smart Checklist Server and Data Center versions came next. In the meantime, our team released the <a href=\"https://trello.com/power-ups/5b6c33b64d304480bf4d57b6/smart-checklist-exporter\" rel=\"nofollow\" target=\"_blank\">Smart Checklist Exporter Trello power-up</a> aimed at streamlining the process of checklist migration from Trello to Jira, as well as converting the Trello card checklists into the format supported by the Smart Checklist add-on for Jira.\n", "Smart Checklist grew from a tiny free tool that solved our internal problem into a multi-platform solution with more than 6000 active installations and over 500K users worldwide. Our userbase encompasses companies from 10 to more than 10K employees that come from the Finance, Insurance, Government, Aviation, Retail, Healthcare, Gaming, Automotive, Construction, IT, Education and other industries, proving that our add-on can be successfully used in a number of use cases across all of them. Smart Checklist for Jira has become an <a href=\"https://developer.atlassian.com/platform/marketplace/marketplace-partner-program/\" rel=\"nofollow\" target=\"_blank\">Atlassian Gold Marketplace Partner</a>, and is also a participant of the <a href=\"https://developer.atlassian.com/platform/marketplace/marketplace-security-bug-bounty-program/\" rel=\"nofollow\" target=\"_blank\">Marketplace Security Bug Bounty Program</a> which once again affirms that our Smart Checklist add-on demonstrates Atlassian standards for app quality, reliability, and support.\n"]>> customer=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash city_filename="example" multi_testimonials=true name="Sachin Gangam" testimonials=nil title="Software Engineer at Cisco"> integrations=#<Hashie::Array ["jira", "aws", "heroku", "newrelic", "googleanalytics", "big-query"]> involvement=#<Hashie::Array ["back-end", "front-end", "graphic", "interaction", "support", "system"]> involvementText=#<Hashie::Array ["Smart Checklist for Jira is a good example of a tool that was initially created by the Railsware team for internal use and then shared with the wider Atlassian community later on. The product idea was a natural fit for the needs our team had was developed by Railswarians, from ideation on the <a href=\"https://railsware.com/bridges-framework/\">BRIDGeS session</a>, scoping and design all the way to technical implementation and support.\n"]> name="Smart Checklist for Jira" own_product=true page_theme="dark" preview_theme="dark" primary_color="#fff" seo=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash description="Smart Checklist add-on for JIRA Cloud help you to organize small and big checklists inside JIRA ticket in an extremely easy way. It’s achieved by using the power of Markdown, extended details per checklist item and ability to populate checklist content with JIRA API | Railsware Case Studies" title="Smart Checklist for JIRA by Railsware | Case Study"> slogan="Jira add-on for checklist organization with Markdown support" statistics=#<Hashie::Array [#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash description="installs" icon="graph" number=6000>, #<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash description="users" icon="3d-graph" number="500K">]> technologies=#<Hashie::Array ["react", "node", "jquery", "js", "graph-ql", "ruby", "rails", "java", "sass", "html5", "css3", "jira", "googleanalytics"]> video=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash code="tx2d21vrr7" quote="This is a great plugin and these guys provide great support. I really like the capability to add/import templates. We have been using this plugin for couple of years now and have never faced any issue.\n">>
Smart Checklist for Jira
All works
#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash about=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash links=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash angelList="https://angel.co/brightbytes-1" application="http://brightbytes.net" crunchBase="https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/brightbytes"> text=#<Hashie::Array ["BrightBytes online data analytics platform gathers ideas from the best experts in the world and creates evidence-based frameworks that are combined with data from your school or region, giving you the tools to understand and quickly improve students' learning outcomes. BrightBytes solutions are specifically designed to address unique needs of educational leaders globally.\n", "Clarity, their flagship platform, is used by educators in almost all U.S. states to make quick, effective decisions that improve students' learning. BrightBytes' secret sauce is a unique blend of talented educators with deep experience in K-12, gifted engineers building the next generation data platform, and world-class data scientists analyzing ways to improve student learning results.\n"]>> customer=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash city_filename="san-francisco" location="Atlanta" name="Jake Becker" region="GA, USA" testimonials=#<Hashie::Array ["brightbytes-becker"]> testimonials_short=false title="Director of Product"> integrations=#<Hashie::Array ["facebook", "twitter", "googleauth", "googlemaps", "sendgrid", "mailtrap", "heroku", "aws", "newrelic", "mixpanel", "googleanalytics"]> involvement=#<Hashie::Array ["front-end", "back-end", "system"]> involvementText=#<Hashie::Array ["Railsware has extended the BrightBytes tech team with our full stack engineers to help build complicated parts of projects and thus achieve product and business goals. The Railsware engineers were working with the BrightBytes team both on-site and remotely to ensure the best collaboration, as well as sharing our best engineering practices to help increase the code quality.\n"]> name="Brightbytes" page_theme="light" preview_theme="dark" seo=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash description="Railsware has extended BrightBytes tech team with our front-end and back-end engineers to help build complicated parts of projects and thus achieve product and business goals | Railsware Case Studies" title="BrightBytes - SaaS-based data analytics platform for educational institutions | Case Study by Railsware"> slogan="Research-based Decision Support Platform" team=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash engineers=3> technologies=#<Hashie::Array ["rails", "ruby", "react", "snowflake", "sisense", "js", "sass", "html5", "css3", "psql", "mongo", "redis", "memcache", "delayed-job", "aws", "heroku", "capistrano", "chef"]> testimonialShort="Railsware has been very integral in helping make some key decisions to <strong>help BrightBytes grow</strong>." timeline=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash end="Now" start="August 2013"> video=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash code="m36b3pjd0u" quote="What the BRIDGeS session has done within BrightBytes is that it has really brought some structure to the product management process and deep understanding of what we're building.\n">>