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Google + Axe intro

Google + Axe

The Axe Effect


Axe Effect was one of the first apps created using Google+ Hangouts API. It was a fun app which allowed its users to turn on "Axe Effect" during the call and add some fun accessories to their image on the screen.

Axe Effect for Google Hangout was a promo application launched by Google and Unilever aimed at making Axe more popular on Asian market.

City icon
Mountain View
Team icon
2 Engineers
1 Designer
Timeline icon
January 2011
May 2011
Ryan Hayward
Ryan Hayward
Product Marketing Manager

Railsware is one of the very first developers to build applications with the Google+ Hangouts API. We came to them because of their willingness to get up to speed on the APIs very quickly, and also because of their convenient timezone with relation to Tokyo, where our team was based. We were impressed with their quick ability to grasp what we were looking for, as well as their quick delivery time and nice UI sense.


Railsware engineers have always been keen on exploring new technologies and this has become one of the key reasons of working with Google+ team of the Axe effect application. We've become one of the first development teams to build apps using Google+ Hangouts API at the time.

Axe Effect has been developed from scoping and design all through the development process including UI and back-end engineering.

System Integration
Graphical Design
Interaction Design


Ruby on Rails
Google Auth
Google HangOut
#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash about=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash links=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash angelList="https://angel.co/brightbytes-1" application="http://brightbytes.net" crunchBase="https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/brightbytes"> text=#<Hashie::Array ["BrightBytes online data analytics platform gathers ideas from the best experts in the world and creates evidence-based frameworks that are combined with data from your school or region, giving you the tools to understand and quickly improve students' learning outcomes. BrightBytes solutions are specifically designed to address unique needs of educational leaders globally.\n", "Clarity, their flagship platform, is used by educators in almost all U.S. states to make quick, effective decisions that improve students' learning. BrightBytes' secret sauce is a unique blend of talented educators with deep experience in K-12, gifted engineers building the next generation data platform, and world-class data scientists analyzing ways to improve student learning results.\n"]>> customer=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash city_filename="san-francisco" location="Atlanta" name="Jake Becker" region="GA, USA" testimonials=#<Hashie::Array ["brightbytes-becker"]> testimonials_short=false title="Director of Product"> integrations=#<Hashie::Array ["facebook", "twitter", "googleauth", "googlemaps", "sendgrid", "mailtrap", "heroku", "aws", "newrelic", "mixpanel", "googleanalytics"]> involvement=#<Hashie::Array ["front-end", "back-end", "system"]> involvementText=#<Hashie::Array ["Railsware has extended the BrightBytes tech team with our full stack engineers to help build complicated parts of projects and thus achieve product and business goals. The Railsware engineers were working with the BrightBytes team both on-site and remotely to ensure the best collaboration, as well as sharing our best engineering practices to help increase the code quality.\n"]> name="Brightbytes" page_theme="light" preview_theme="dark" seo=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash description="Railsware has extended BrightBytes tech team with our front-end and back-end engineers to help build complicated parts of projects and thus achieve product and business goals | Railsware Case Studies" title="BrightBytes - SaaS-based data analytics platform for educational institutions | Case Study by Railsware"> slogan="Research-based Decision Support Platform" team=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash engineers=3> technologies=#<Hashie::Array ["rails", "ruby", "react", "snowflake", "sisense", "js", "sass", "html5", "css3", "psql", "mongo", "redis", "memcache", "delayed-job", "aws", "heroku", "capistrano", "chef"]> testimonialShort="Railsware has been very integral in helping make some key decisions to <strong>help BrightBytes grow</strong>." timeline=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash end="Now" start="August 2013"> video=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash code="m36b3pjd0u" quote="What the BRIDGeS session has done within BrightBytes is that it has really brought some structure to the product management process and deep understanding of what we're building.\n">>
All works
#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash about=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash links=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash angelList="https://angel.co/philips-healthcare" crunchBase="https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/philips-healthcare"> text=#<Hashie::Array ["Philips DirectLife is a new customized, interactive fitness program that offers a fun and simple solution to people eager to adopt a more active lifestyle. The DirectLife program was born out of a desire to directly appeal to the more than 60 percent of the global population who fail to reach the minimum levels of moderate daily physical activity to deliver health benefits, as recommended by the World Health Organization.\n", "DirectLife records a person's daily movements via a discreet, wearable state-of-the-art Activity Monitor which tracks both the duration and intensity of a user's daily activity. Information is then easily transferred in one simple step via USB to a personal web page that keeps track of progress against both daily targets and longer term goals.\n", "The program offers a number of unique features, including a personal coach to help people set balanced and achievable goals, provide individual feedback and deliver advice on how to make easy healthy lifestyle changes, some in as little as a few minutes a day.\n"]>> customer=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash city_filename="amsterdam" location="Amsterdam" name="David La Hei" region="Netherlands" testimonials=#<Hashie::Array ["philipsdirectlife-lahei"]> testimonials_short=false title="SW Architect / Product Owner"> integrations=#<Hashie::Array ["weightwatchers"]> involvement=#<Hashie::Array ["front-end", "back-end", "system"]> involvementText=#<Hashie::Array ["Railsware engineers have joined Philips Personal Health Solutions team to handle migration from Rails 1 to Rails 3. Our team has also ported Java applications to Ruby and implemented rich API's for the client software including Windows, iOS and MacOS X.\n", "One of the project specifics has been interaction with hardware devices which added some extra expertise to our engineers and a desire to keep progressing in this direction.\n"]> name="Philips DirectLife" page_theme="dark" preview_theme="dark" seo=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash description="Railsware engineers have joined Philips Personal Health Solutions team to handle migration from Rails 1 to Rails 3 | Railsware Case Studies" footer_text="Railsware is a leading offshore Ruby on Rails company which provides contracting and consulting services around the world. We are among the premium ruby on rails development companies on the US market and our team is building top web and mobile applications using Ruby on Rails, React, Angular and more." title="Philips DirectLife - a customized, interactive fitness solution | Case Study by Railsware"> slogan="Every Movement Counts" team=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash engineers=4> technologies=#<Hashie::Array ["rails", "jquery", "ruby", "golang", "java", "js", "sass", "haml", "html5", "css3", "mysql", "rabbit", "resque"]> testimonialShort="These guys are <strong>up-to-date on the latest technology</strong>, they know what they are doing, and want to deliver quality code." timeline=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash end="May 2012" start="November 2011">>
Philips DirectLife