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BackOps intro


The World's #1 Back Office Solution


BackOps helps small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) eliminate the pain of running back-office operations. Its integrated, comprehensive solution combines state-of-the-art software with a crowdsourced legion of highly educated, skilled and qualified stay-at-home moms to offer an affordable, scalable, on-demand solution that saves time and money and improves business efficiencies.

Designed for the needs of businesses without the time or budget to deal with multiple platforms or outsource back office operations piecemeal, BackOps offers a subscription model for managing the day-to-day accounting, HR, and financial reporting processes, connecting them seamlessly on an automated dashboard.

Headquartered in San Francisco, BackOps was co-founded by Kristen Koh Goldstein, a former CRO, and Mark H. Goldstein, BackOps' Chairman and 10-time entrepreneur. BackOps is backed by Sherpa Ventures, e.ventures and Google Ventures, as well as angel investors including CrunchFund, Mark Pincus, Naval Ravikant and Babak Nivi.

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San Francisco
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5 Engineers
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October 2013
November 2016
Mike Tria
Mike Tria
VP of Engineering

I've relied on Railsware for core software engineering across two high-paced startups. The skill level of their engineers is very strong and they work well with an existing US team. I've worked with other consultancies in the past that worked on the separate projects than the rest of the team, which is fine. But if you want to solve a bigger problem or work on really more complicated things, you need one larger cohesive team. And that's one of the values I get from Railsware - they're actually embedded into my team.

Railsware also brought in a testing culture into the company. Before they joined, we had very low test coverage and when we did releases, the quality of these releases was mediocre at best. After Railsware, we now have a ton of automated tests and as a result, the quality of our releases has improved and thus the speed of them as well.

Working with Railsware provides many benefits, but their focus on writing solid maintainable code and a strong work ethics are what elevates them above their peers.
Mike Tria
VP of Engineering


Railsware extended Backops tech team with our front-end and back-end engineers to help build complicated parts of the project and thus achieve product and business goals. Our engineers worked with Backops team both on-site and remotely to ensure the best collaboration, as well as sharing our best engineering practices to help increase the code quality.

Further details are yet under NDA.

System Integration


Ruby on Rails
Delayed Job
Elastic Search


#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash about=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash links=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash site="https://www.4finance.com/"> text=#<Hashie::Array ["4finance provides convenient and innovative lending products to customers in 12 countries, while the typical profiles of its customers are people with average incomes, who require a quick and convenient financial solution.\n", "4finance success is based on the careful attention paid to the needs of its customers, as well as strong leadership and management team. The company has already provided more than 5.8 million short-term and installment loans to over 3.3 million customers.\n", "Launched in Latvia in 2008, 4finance is already trading in Toronto, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Warsaw, Riga, Tbilisi, Moscow, Madrid and Kaunas with plans to expand further across the globe.\n"]>> customer=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash city_filename="london" location="London" name="Stuart Watkins" region="UK" title="CIO"> integrations=#<Hashie::Array ["sendgrid", "ldap", "mailtrap", "newrelic", "kissmetrics"]> involvement=#<Hashie::Array ["front-end", "back-end", "system", "graphic"]> involvementText=#<Hashie::Array ["Railsware has taken over Partners Platform project at the early development stage. We rescoped the product based on its goals, benefits it should provide and issues it should solve, and we moved through production to releases in a number of countries.\n", "Our team was handling front-end and back-end development for this product, as well as graphical and UI design. At the same time, our engineers worked closely with the internal development team at 4finance that was responsible for the API development.\n"]> name="4Finance Partners" page_theme="dark" preview_theme="dark" related=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash text="More about our fintech software development services" url="/services/fintech-software-development/" variation="default"> seo=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash description="4Finance provides convenient and innovative lending products to customers in 12 countries, while the typical profiles of its customers are people with average incomes, who require a quick and convenient financial solution | Railsware Case Studies" footer_text="Railsware is a leading offshore Ruby on Rails company which provides contracting and consulting services around the world. We are among the premium ruby on rails development companies on the US market and our team is building top web and mobile applications using Ruby on Rails, React, Angular and more." title="4Finance - Smart lending made simple | Case Study by Railsware"> slogan="Global Player In Micro Finance" team=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash designers=2 engineers=6 pdms=1> technologies=#<Hashie::Array ["rails", "node", "angular", "jquery", "ruby", "coffee", "sass", "haml", "html5", "css3", "mysql", "aws", "heroku", "ansible"]> timeline=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash end="December 2016" start="September 2014">>
4Finance Partners
All works
#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash about=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash links=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash angelList="https://angel.co/tennishub" crunchBase="https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/tennishub-2"> text=#<Hashie::Array ["TennisHub’s SaaS solution helps tennis businesses streamline operations and drive paid on-court activities. This robust online booking and management platform allows providers to increase visibility of their programming while also solving the biggest problem facing players: finding opportunities to play.\n", "TennisHub removes barriers and provides a simpler channel to get more people on court. Consumers expect to schedule and pay for most services online yet few tennis providers support online registration, booking or payment. TennisHub automates these key functions, making it easier for facility managers and teaching professionals to efficiently operate their businesses.\n", "TennisHub is the recipient of the 2013 RI Business Plan Competition Special Technology Award.\n"]>> customer=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash city_filename="providence" location="Providence" name="Eddie Ross" region="RI, USA" testimonials=#<Hashie::Array ["tennishub-ross"]> testimonials_short=false title="Founder"> integrations=#<Hashie::Array ["googlemaps", "stripe", "sendgrid", "mailtrap", "heroku", "airbrake", "newrelic", "googleanalytics"]> involvement=#<Hashie::Array ["back-end", "front-end", "graphic", "interaction"]> involvementText=#<Hashie::Array ["Railsware has helped scope the TennisHub product and worked on the prototype to release the first working version. After TennisHub has been tested by its first users, our team started working on the full verison of the app and moved through production to deployment and support.\n", "Railsware has handled front-end and back-end development for TennisHub, as well as graphical and UI design.\n"]> name="TennisHub" page_theme="dark" preview_theme="dark" seo=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash description="TennisHub’s SaaS solution helps tennis businesses streamline operations and drive paid on-court activities | Railsware Case Studies" footer_text="Railsware is a leading Ruby on Rails company" title="TennisHub | Case Study by Railsware"> slogan="Find Playing Opportunities. Book And Play Online." team=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash designers=1 engineers=3 pdms=1> technologies=#<Hashie::Array ["rails", "backbone", "marionette", "jquery", "ruby", "js", "coffee", "sass", "haml", "html5", "css3", "psql", "heroku"]> testimonialShort="TennisHub chose Railsware because of their <strong>full cycle product development experience</strong> and a key element is their BRIDGeS framework." timeline=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash end="July 2013" start="November 2012"> video=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash code="duoa5k99gh" quote="We found a world-class firm. They gave us the best possible chance of success!\n">>